Step 1 - Segment section

Build the segment section with spider

The segment section is made of MDF and is 480mm X 520mm x 12mm.

Segment section
Board for segment section

First you define the center of the board for the router to be locked in place. Then you might want to test your jig to see if you are able to cut a perfect circle. We did so with a leftover wood piece.

Segment section
Mark the middle
Segment section
Test cut in leftover wood

So now for the fun part. First you take of 2 mm of the outer radius of the spider for it to be even to the board later on. Then you cut through the board with the inner radius for the spider to be able to stick through the board later on.

We did so by doing the cut from one side until half the thickness of the board. Then we flipped over the board and did the final cut from the other side. This way you will prevent from having splinters all over the place.

Segment section
Cut outer radius 2 mm deep
Segment section
Outer radius finished
Segment section
Cut through board after flipping over
Segment section
Spider fits through hole

Now you can fit the spider through the hole and screw it to the board. Be sure to align it properly first. At the back side of the board it is supposed to be plane even so it can be fitted to the matrix section later on.

Finally you can now screw the catch ring segments to the front side of the segement section by screwing them in place from the back side of the board.

Segment section
Screw catch ring segments in place
Segment section
Screw catch ring segments in place

The segment section with spider is now finished. Continue with building the matrix section.