
Checking and installing prerequirements

For this software to work you will need a few prerequirements:

  • Git
  • Go
  • Nodejs
  • Yarn


You will need to have git to checkout the code we will use to build the software. As an alternative you could just download the main branch as .zip file and unzip it instead.

I am using the current git version:

❯ git --version
git version 2.30.0


The backend is written in go. So you will need to get that and install it for your operating system. The version of go I am using as the time of writing is:

❯ go version
go version go1.17 linux/amd64


The backends sqlite library needs to use CGO. That’s why you will need gcc on your system. The version I use is:

❯ gcc -v
--- output ommited ---
gcc version 11.1.0 (GCC)

Read more about CGO here

NodeJS & npm

The frontend is written in SvelteKit. Therefore you will need to get NodeJS to build it. I am also using pnpm as a package manager. The Makefile which we will use in the next step is using pmpm. Therefore I recommend installing and using it.

As the time of writing I am using the following versions:

❯ node --version

❯ pnpm
Version 6.13.0

All Prerequirements met?

Continue with the basic setup: