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Find all relevant information to use DaSCR-Board here!

1 - Overview

Get started with DaSCR-Board, the score tracking app.

Get up and running in no time.

What is it?

DaSCR-Board is a score tracking app written in go and SvelteKit. It consists of a RESTful backend api and a webfrontend.

Why do I want it?

You are tired of typing in the score when playing darts? So this one might be for you.

  • What is it good for?: DaSCR-Board can keep your darts score while playing darts for you. You can use it with a recognition software to automate the process or you can use it like any other darts scoring app. You can even host it online to play network games with your friends.

  • What is it not good for?: If you want to keep track of statistics and such this one might not be for you. Also it is not preventing one from typing in scores for other players during game.

  • What is it not yet good for?: Features who are about to be implemented in the future are certainly more games.

Where should I go next?

2 - Getting Started

Get ready to install things :D

This project requires basic command line knowledge

This section will lead you through different steps to get up and running in not time.

  • Checking Prerequirements
  • Getting the code
  • Installing dependencies
  • Building Backend and Frontend

This guide assumes you are using linux. The instructions easily transfer to other operating systems if you know your way around the tools used.

2.1 - Prerequirements

Checking and installing prerequirements

For this software to work you will need a few prerequirements:

  • Git
  • Go
  • Nodejs
  • Yarn


You will need to have git to checkout the code we will use to build the software. As an alternative you could just download the main branch as .zip file and unzip it instead.

I am using the current git version:

❯ git --version
git version 2.30.0


The backend is written in go. So you will need to get that and install it for your operating system. The version of go I am using as the time of writing is:

❯ go version
go version go1.17 linux/amd64


The backends sqlite library needs to use CGO. That’s why you will need gcc on your system. The version I use is:

❯ gcc -v
--- output ommited ---
gcc version 11.1.0 (GCC)

Read more about CGO here

NodeJS & npm

The frontend is written in SvelteKit. Therefore you will need to get NodeJS to build it. I am also using pnpm as a package manager. The Makefile which we will use in the next step is using pmpm. Therefore I recommend installing and using it.

As the time of writing I am using the following versions:

❯ node --version

❯ pnpm
Version 6.13.0

All Prerequirements met?

Continue with the basic setup:

2.2 - Installation

Fetch the code and install DaSCR-Board

Fetch the code

Navigate to a folder where you want the app to reside in and clone it’s repository using git (or unzip the downloaded from GitHub Repo there):

git clone
cd dascr-board

Content of the root directory

As this is a monorepo where the backend and the frontend reside, it might be a bit confusing at first. But fear not as I will describe how that works now.

├── api
├── config
├── database
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── frontend <--- Frontend App (SvelteKit)
├── game
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── logger
├── main.go
├── Makefile
├── player
├── podium
├── score
├── settings
├── throw
├── undo
├── uploads
├── utils
└── ws

Everything except the frontend folder is the backend app. The frontend Svelte app resides in the frontend folder. It is that easy.

Content of frontend folder for reference:

├── caddy
├── Dockerfile
├── jsconfig.json
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── postcss.config.cjs
├── src
├── static
├── svelte.config.js
└── tailwind.config.cjs

DaSCR is using “.env”

What does that mean? There are different variables which are not read from a config file, but which are read from the environment. So you could for example do this:

export API_IP=

This would set the variable API_IP used by the backend for this very session of your terminal. To ease the pain I am using .env files with my Makefile. Consider this as a kind of a config file itself.

So to use the Makefile you will need to create two files.


In the root folder of the project create a fille called .env. The content of it is:


Here is the explanation of the content:

  • API_IP: This one will determine to which ip address the backend server is bound to. means to any interface address. It could also read something like 192.168.1.X to bound it to a local network address.
  • API_PORT: This one will determine to which port the backend server is bound to.
  • DEBUG: This one will control how much output the application is giving you. Most of the time the value FALSE is good enough. But if you want to develop this you might want to choose TRUE instead.


In the frontend folder also create a file called .env. The content of it is:


This example reflects hosting it on a system in host only mode. You will not be able to use it other than on the system itself this way.

Here is the explanation of the content:

  • API_URL: This one points to the api endpoint of the backend which is protocol://ip address:port/api
  • API_BASE: This one points to the base address and has to match everything above but leaving out /api
  • WS_URL: This one points to the websocket endpoint of the backend. Instead of api it should read ws

Checked out code and created .env * 2?

Continue with building either one of those:

2.3 - Backend

Build the Backend API

Build using Makefile

To build the backend you can simply use the provided Makefile. Possible make targets to build the backend are:

  • build-linux_64
  • build-linux_386
  • build-mac
  • build-armv5
  • build-armv6
  • build-armv7 (Raspberry Pi 3 + 4)
  • build-armv8_64

So if you want to build on linux you for example issue:

❯ make build-linux_64
[*] go mod dowload
[*] Building for linux x64
[OK] App binary was created!
[OK] Your backend binary is at ./dist/<os>/

Now you have a binary ready to use:

└── linux_amd64
    └── dascr-board


In Windows you can also build this project. I tested it using MSYS2. After installing this I followed this instructions to setup my MSYS2 environment.

After setting up accordingly you can build like (from root directory of project within MSYS2 cli):

go mod download
go build -o dist/windows_amd64/dascr-board.exe

What’s next?

You could either run it right now using the Makefile (which will use the previously created .env file) and issue make run-dev-backend or run it like so (from the ./dist/<os>/ folder):

API_IP= API_PORT=8000 DEBUG=FALSE ./dascr-board

Want to have a Web UI?

  • Frontend: Go ahead and build the frontend

2.4 - Frontend

Build the Frontend Web UI

Build using Makefile

Your best bet is to use the Makefile on this, too. Just issue:

❯ make build-frontend
[*] Cleanup SvelteKit App
[OK] Cleanup done
[*] Building SvelteKit App

> dose@1.0.0 tailwind:build
> cross-env TAILWIND_MODE=build cross-env NODE_ENV=production postcss src/styles/tailwind.css -o src/styles/tailwind-output.css

warn - You have enabled the JIT engine which is currently in preview.
warn - Preview features are not covered by semver, may introduce breaking changes, and can change at any time.
Source path: redacted
Setting up new context...
Finding changed files: 3.293ms
Generate rules: 32.227ms
Build stylesheet: 0.688ms
Potential classes:  2550
Active contexts:  1
Content match entries 1126
JIT TOTAL: 113.848ms

> dose@1.0.0 build:only
> svelte-kit build

[... snip ...]

3:56:22 PM [vite-plugin-svelte] The following packages did not export their `package.json` file so we could not check the "svelte" field. If you had difficulties importing svelte components from a package, then please contact the author and ask them to export the package.json file.
- ky
103 modules transformed.

[... snip ...]

[dotenv][DEBUG] did not match key and value when parsing line 4:
vite v2.5.1 building SSR bundle for production...
transforming (70) .svelte-kit/build/runtime/internal/singletons.js

[... snip ...]

3:56:25 PM [vite-plugin-svelte] The following packages did not export their `package.json` file so we could not check the "svelte" field. If you had difficulties importing svelte components from a package, then please contact the author and ask them to export the package.json file.
- ky
105 modules transformed.
.svelte-kit/output/server/app.js   329.07 KiB

Run npm run preview to preview your production build locally.

> Using @sveltejs/adapter-static
[OK] SvelteKit App was built
[OK] Serve content of ./frontend/build via a webserver

Content of the build folder for reference

├── _app
├── css
├── favicon.ico
├── fonts
├── img
├── index.html
├── js
├── player
├── sounds
└── webfonts

What’s next?

Now everything left to do is to server the content of frontend/build via a webserver like Apache2, Nginx or Caddy2.

You could instead also run it right now using the Makefile (which will use the previously created .env file in frontend folder) and issue make run-dev-frontend.

Ready to throw darts?

3 - Usage

How do I use it?

This section will tell you how to use DaSCR-Board

This section will lead you through different steps to setup player and run games.

  • Managing player
  • Choose your ID
  • Setup a game and start
  • Different views

3.1 - Page Overview

What pages are there?


  • Setup a player at /player
  • Start a game at /<your-game-id>/game
  • Point the scoreboard browser to /<your-game-id>/scoreboard
  • Point the browser you want to add in throws with to /<your-game-id>/controller
  • Enjoy

The pages

There are different pages you can navigate to when using DaSCR-Board. After setting up your players you will only be needing to navigate to two pages, though. Here is an overview of the different pages one can go to:

  • General Index
  • Player Management
  • Game Index
  • Game Setup and Start
  • Scoreboard
  • Controller

Choose the page you want to learn about in the navigation menu on the left.

For the ease of writing I will refer to the pages with url paths and ommiting the part http://localhost:8000.

3.2 - General Index Page

This page is the one you might see first

General Index Page


You can see this page at /. It will let you have an overview of the different games running in the table at the page bottom. Also it will give you short instructions on how to start. The navigation symbol top left lets you navigate through different pages.

3.3 - Player Management

This page will let you manage players

Player Management


You can see this page at /player. It will let you add and remove player to the machine. There is no gameid specific player management. So all players added will be available to choose.


Add a player by insterting the name and the nickname (optional) in the corresponding form fields. You may want to upload a avatar picture. If so you can scale it in the players preview card to the right of the creation form using the mouse.

If you do not upload an image one out of 9 animal avatar images will be chosen randomly.


You can delete a player by hitting the Delete button in the available player card.

3.4 - Game Specific Index

This page is the game index page of a specific game id

Game Index


You can see this page at /<game-id>/start. This page is supposed to be displayed at a big screen where everyone can see it. You can for example hang a big screen right above the dart board at the front or maybe use a projector to beam this page on a wall.


This page can let your players scan the QR code with a smartphone for example and then setup a game. After starting a game this page will automatically redirect to the corresponding scoreboard page and show the score of the ongoing game.

3.5 - Game Setup Page

This page is the game setup page of a specific game id

Game Setup


You can see this page at /<game-id>/game. This page is supposed to be displayed at a small screen like the one of a smartphone or tablet.


The page will let you setup the game you want to play and also show you the rules which are applied to the game. After starting a game this page will automatically redirect to the corresponding controller page and let you handle the game.

3.6 - Scoreboard

This page is the scoreboard of a specific game id



You can see this page at /<game-id>/scoreboard. This page is supposed to be displayed at a big screen at the front.


The page will let you see the score of a game. It will also look different for every gametype you choose. After ending a game it will automatically redirect back to the game specific index page and waits for another game to start.

Further Screenshots




3.7 - Controller

This page is the controller of a specific game id



You can see this page at /<game-id>/controller. This page is supposed to be displayed at a small screen like a smartphone or a tablet.


The page will let you control the game, insert throws, undo actions and end the game. see the score of a game. It will also look different for every gametype you choose. After ending a game it will automatically redirect back to the game setup page and let you start another game.

Further Screenshots




4 - Deploy

Learn how to use it in production

Choose from an option and deploy


You can either deploy it using Docker or you do it by hand. As you may already have built the project following the getting started instructions you can also do it by hand.

Example Environment

The two described options docker and manual will be using an example environment you can relate to.

The environment will be described in this section.

Consider a root server running Debian hosted by a provider online. You have root access to it via ssh and you have a domain pointing towards the public IP of this root server. Let’s assume the domain you own is

❯ host has address

patrick@ssh-dascr-org ❯ pwd

You already at least have the prerequirements setup and cloned the code to disk on this root server.

Now you might wanna look at one or both of the deployment options then.

4.1 - Docker Deployment

How to use docker do deploy it

Instead of building everything by hand like described in the getting started guide you can also use docker.


There are two Dockerfiles, one in the root of the directory and one in the frontend directory. Those will build two independant docker images you can run like this:

docker build . -t dascr-board-backend
docker build ./frontend -t dascr-board-frontend

Running it

When running you need to be sure to let them run in the same network and to expose the corresponding ports (5000 - frontend, 8000 - backend) to be able to use the container.


As there is a docker-compose-local.yml in the root folder you can do all of this by just issuing:

docker network create dascr
docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml up

Different IP Address than localhost

By default the procedure above will build the docker image in a way where the scoreboard will only work on the system it was built on. If you need to separate the “viewing client” from the client running the scoreboard, you will need to use the Makefile to build and first run the docker image.

Step 1 will be to create a file called .env in the folder frontend as described at Installation#Frontend and fill in the corresponding ip address of the host running the scoreboard. Then you issue make run-docker for the customization to be applied at build time.

It should run the Scoreboard on port 8080 on that ip you chose and also it should be reachable and functional from within your network.

For the second startup docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml up should be enough.

Docker Release Image

If you do not want to build the docker images yourself this repository also has the latest version as an Release Package. I provide the file docker-compose-repo.yml for easy running as well.

docker network create dascr
docker-compose -f docker-compose-repo.yml up

After a successful startup you can access the web ui at port 8080.

What’s next?

When running the container successfully you can continue with webserver setup.

  • Caddy2: You might wanna continue setting up caddy2 server to serve the frontend UI

4.2 - Manual Deployment

How to build and autostart DaSCR-Board using systemd

Basically it is as easy as running through the getting started guide on your remote server.

Autostart backend using systemd

If you have successfully built the backend and the frontend you will have the backend binary in place and the public folder for serving with for example caddy2.

You can now use this systemd service file to automate the startup of the backend binary like so:

Description=DaSCR Board - Backend API





Save it at /etc/systemd/system/dascr-board.service.

Then run:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start dascr-board
sudo systemctl enable dascr-board

Now the service should be up and running and be started at system boot time automatically.

You can check running sudo systemctl status dascr-board.

What’s next?

  • Caddy2: You might wanna continue setting up caddy2 server to serve the frontend UI

4.3 - Webserver setup

How to use caddy2 to serve the frontend UI

This section can also be solved using Apache2 or Nginx. I personally like Caddy2 much so I used it to deploy it. Therefore I will show my config as an example here.

You will need to install it yourself, though. It is kinda easy, I guess.


My caddy file written to /etc/caddy/Caddyfile looks like this: {
	root * /home/patrick/projects/dascr-board/frontend/build
	encode gzip

	handle /api/* {
		reverse_proxy localhost:8000

	handle /images/* {
		reverse_proxy localhost:8000

	handle /uploads/* {
		reverse_proxy localhost:8000

	handle /ws/* {
		reverse_proxy localhost:8000

	handle {
		try_files {path} {file} /index.html

	header {
	# enable HSTS
	Strict-Transport-Security max-age=31536000;

	# disable clients from sniffing the media type
	X-Content-Type-Options nosniff

	# clickjacking protection
	X-Frame-Options DENY

	# keep referrer data off of HTTP connections
	Referrer-Policy no-referrer-when-downgrade

	log {
		output file /var/log/caddy/dascr-board.log {
			roll_size 1gb
			roll_keep 5
			roll_keep_for 720h

Running this config you should have the frontend up and running at the domain

Basic Auth

If you want to protect your page from beeing used publicly you can also apply basic authentication by generating a user:pass combination like so (’test’ is the password in this example):

caddy hash-password -plaintext test

You can also completely omit -plaintext ... and will be prompted to insert the password without it landing in the history of the server.

Then you add this configuration bit to the Caddyfile:

basicauth * {
		username JDJhJDE0JGw1Ti43eW8ycW5vVTc1TDZVbDZBc09XVnI2YVJmYkM1VlguV0lHL1RsMkNBejkvLlFBUFFx

What’s next?

  • Development: Wanna contribute? Have ideas? Go ahead!
  • API: Wanna use your own recognition software? Read the API specs.

5 - Develop

You want to contribute? This one is for you.

I have way to less time to explain my code here. If you are thinking about adding features or fixing bugs I consider you are already familiar with go and JavaScript/SvelteKit, as well as the tooling used around developing backend and frontend services.

I will take every pull request seriously. So go ahead, fork me, do your thing, create a pull request and I’ll review it.

6 - API

See the API documentation here

7 - FAQ

Those are the Frequently Asked Questions and known Bugs.

If you find something is behaving odd, you should look here first.

My Scoreboard page is not updating when entering score?

This might come from the fact, that dascr-board is now using sound. As the frontend is using an await to resolve a so called promise when playing sounds the frontend will not get updated if the sound does not play properly. I discovered firefox and google chrome to sometimes prevent from playing sounds properly, thus the frontend is not updating at all. Make sure to allow sound and video for the url (ip address) you are hosting you frontend with.